
Aug 25, 2024By Matthew Noble
Matthew Noble
black flat screen computer monitor and black computer keyboard on brown wooden desk

What's it all about, A.I.?

Despite the obvious future problems that may crop up (deeps fakes, killer dog robots,etc), most people who I know are concerned with how it will affect their jobs and their path of artistic creation. I believe it WILL take away "creator" jobs but it won't stop anyone from BEING creative. No one says that you have to use A.I. to help you (or even do the whole thing) to make your song/production/screenplay/etc.

It's made me think about the PROCESS versus the RESULT. If all you're looking for is the END RESULT, then A.I. is your ticket. But the actual PROCESS of creation..the inspiration, the twists and turns, the joy and the agony, the dead ends and the discovery..is something that I find to be the most thrilling. Any one can now use A.I. prompts and Drag and Drop technology to create something that may be indistinguishable from a "created from scratch" work. And yes, I do consider it cheating (on some level). But as we seem to be headed down a path of Generic Sameness, I'm most often searching out the "different" and the "made by human"works...       ........perfectly imperfect.

As the saying goes, "be yourself...everyone is already taken".*

*(often attributed to Oscar Wilde but since disproven)